Thursday, October 23, 2008


Just to keep you posted...
Recently Josh hurt his ankle while rock climbing. Just a minor fall but it still hurt. He went to the doctor and apparently he's broken a piece of bone off and now needs surgery. He's scheduled for Wednesday November 5th. I know, I know it's very soon but the doc says it won't heal correctly on its own and right now it's cutting into his cartilage. He'll be home for a couple of weeks and then back to work with a walking boot for about six more weeks. Please think happy thoughts for him! I know he'll do well!

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Night Out...

Josh and I went to a concert recently. The Plain White T's and Panic at the Disco.
It was fun. A nice evening out on our own!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hay Ride

Hay Pyramid

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Pumpkin Patch last Sunday. Unfortunately the weather was not quite cooperating. The temperature was great and as you can tell, it looked like a beautiful day...

But, what you can't see in the pictures is the terrible wind! It was really whipping it up. We planned on making an afternoon of the trip but we had to leave after about an hour. We were all wind blown and covered in dirt! The kids were getting runny noses and hay fever but they still loved it.

Hay Maze Finish Line!